It is a great time in the life of StonePoint Church. We are so thankful that God has brought you into our family to walk this journey together. With God’s guidance and your faithfulness and dedication, we have been able to grow and flourish.
God always prepares His people when He calls His people, and He will provide if we simply trust Him, step out in faith, make a personal sacrifice, and watch Him MOVE in mighty ways!
We are in the process of identifying land to purchase and then build a new facility here in Forsyth County so we can continue to grow and reach people for Jesus!! Won't you join with us and be part of the Move? God Honors Movement!
God always prepares His people when He calls His people, and He will provide if we simply trust Him, step out in faith, make a personal sacrifice, and watch Him MOVE in mighty ways!
We are in the process of identifying land to purchase and then build a new facility here in Forsyth County so we can continue to grow and reach people for Jesus!! Won't you join with us and be part of the Move? God Honors Movement!

Why Give
Giving is a part of our worship. We believe giving cheerfully and sacrificially is an act of worship that blesses the giver as much as the receiver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Among many reasons the scriptures give us for why we should give, one that should move your heart most directly is because it makes us more like Christ. Giving is absolutely essential to following Christ.
When we give out of love for Christ, and with a generous heart, it causes many changes within us.
When we give out of love for Christ, and with a generous heart, it causes many changes within us.
Here are a few to think about:
- It increases our intimacy and directs our attention and heart to Christ. (Matthew 6:21)
- It increases our character, conforming us to Christ’s image as an unselfish giver.
- It helps us realize the true ownership of ALL of our possessions.
(I Chronicles 29:11-12) - It teaches us to trust and submit everything to God.
(Deuteronomy 14:22-23) - It works as our greatest weapon against the idolatry of money and its illusion of power in our lives.