Are you looking to get involved where you can get connected to God and get connected with others? Are you ready to dig into the Bible and understand it in a real way that you can apply to your life today? Then LifeGroups at StonePoint is for you! Come join one of our LifeGroups and get connected and live life together with other people you can relate with. Come Casual and Comfortable and ready to Fellowship and Live Life Together!

Why LifeGroups?
At StonePoint Church we are all about Living Life Together and getting back to the basics of what a church is supposed to be about. In Scripture, Jesus established the church and He commanded us to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). We then look at the very first church and how the disciples and first believers met in the book of Acts, we see exactly what the first church was like.
The First Church Acts 2:42-47
Because of these things – God Blessed their efforts and grew the church. At StonePoint we want to look at the early church as a model for us today. We will try and follow this model as close as we can.
- They Devoted Themselves to – Teaching, Fellowship, Food, & Prayer
- They were Unified
- They Gave – Contributed & Helped One Another so no one was in need
- They Met Often
- They Met in Many Places (Temple Courts & Homes)
- They had Glad & Sincere Hearts
- They Praised God & Enjoyed One Another
Because of these things – God Blessed their efforts and grew the church. At StonePoint we want to look at the early church as a model for us today. We will try and follow this model as close as we can.
Sign up for a LifeGroup
LifeGroups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!